tisha anissa
1 min readMar 21, 2021



Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash

I’m back…

Today I’m gonna share one of my poetry-kind-of-things that I wrote back then.

Is it lost if we are together?

If we stumble to one another

I’ll whisper to the stars tonight

Sing the hymn we’ll be alright


If I given wish granted once

I wish to be with you in any chance

When you’re down just call me honey

In your sweet voices yet so lovely


I have no magic, but I won’t let this go tragic

I can’t write a poet, I only got love and I’ll show it


Take my hand I’ll take the lead

We’ll love completely every heartbeat

I’ll wrap my arms around

To make you feel safe and sound


I’m nothing, you gave me everything…

How does it sound? Cringy, isn’t it? Sometimes I find it hard to express something to someone, so I choose to write it.



tisha anissa

Sometimes Tish finds it hard to express something directly, so Tish prefers to write it down.